When I turned my computer on this morning the weather gadget thingie that I have on my desktop said it was 51 degrees here in my neck of the woods. It feels wonderful! My AC is off and I am loving it! Yesterday evening around 7:00pm the skies started getting dark and the wind started blowing the cold front was coming in. We never got a storm, we only got dark clouds and wind, lots of wind. It was neat to watch and to feel the temps drop. We were all out in the yard playing fetch with Emma, she was loving the wind blowing. I sure hope the weather stays like this. I've had enough of hot weather! While we were outside two police cars went up the road to the dead end. A few minutes later two more police cars went up the road to the dead end, them one more. They all sat there for about 15 minutes. Then they all started going back of our little subdivision. The last two to leave went out rather fast. We have no idea what they were up to or that that was all about.
I had a hard time sleeping last night, I had another migraine and I'm out of my migraine medicine. I need to get to the Dr. so I can get some more. I took 4 ibuprofen before I went to bed and had to get up 4 hours later and take 4 more. I finally drifted off to sleep around 5AM. my head still hurts, just not as bad.
Last night's dinner wasn't the pizza that I've been trying to make the last few nights. lol Linda and I went to the grocery store after Wesley left and I ended up getting some cube steak that was on sale. I had green peppers and onions so I made cube steak cooked in green peppers and onions. Then I poured a jar of brown mushroom gravy over it and let it simmer. I had to test the microwave mashed potatoes for SheSpeaks so I made those and our veggie was broccoli, cauliflower and carrot blend and I made rolls. My family really liked the mashed potatoes. I bought the garlic ones. They were super easy and tasted OK. I thought they had that instant potato taste. I added butter to them and a little salt and pepper. I'll buy them again to keep on hand to use on nights I don't have time to make real mashed taters.
I'll try again to make the pizza's for dinner. Have a wonderful day!
Life Is An Adventure
11 years ago
We have rain too. Dont you just love a dark cloudy day? I do. Your dinner sounds yummy. Tonight Im going to make porkchops, mashed potatos (from a box)hehehe, and salad, oh and I picked up some jalepeno bread at walmart, I love breads. I hope you get that migraine under control. Do they give you anything stronger than ibuprofen?
Hi Shirla! It's a bit cooler here today as well. When I drove by the temperature thing at the bank, it said 69 degrees. I'm loving this cooler weather as well.
Sorry to hear you had a migraine. I hope it's better now.
Your dinner last night sounded yummy. I never made cube streak before. So...would you recommend those potatoes and are they expensive? I have lots of $1 off coupons that I got in the Sunday papers. (someone gives us extra papers)How many servings did you get in one bag? There are just two of us here.
Oh I dont like the sun, I like dark gloomy days. Yea thats a dog, it's huge, I put him in the shed:)
It's not fun being in chronic pain. I have severe stomach issues I always feel like Im in labor. I had my overy removed last January and that helped a little but not 100%. Iv'e had a colonoscopy and a cystoscopy (went in bladder with camera) both results were normal so they stopped searching for an answer. It changes my mood drastically when I'm in pain, and it's hard to be a nice mom because I just want to be left alone. I have some vicodin left from when I sprained my foot in July so I use them when it's really bad. They wont give me refills because they are addictive. I should keep a daily log of what I eat and see if it's a certain food causing it.
Shirla! GMTA ! MAKE those pies :o) You can see how much fun it is ;o)
Shiiirla where are you:)
I was just wondering if walmart was far from your house? Do you live in a woodsy area
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